Claudio Ciaravolo, instead of dealing with depressed people, has analyzed and studied happy people, in order to understand what behaviors they had in common. The studies, conducted on tens ofthousands of happy people, show clearly that 93% of them are united by good relationshipswith themselves and with the people they love.
Moreover, it has been statistically proven that, beyond the threshold of survival, the sums of money, power and success (although essential to increase the physical and psychological well-being) do not give happiness. Ciaravolo is convinced of the importance of this type of information for all those who try to be happy and, at the same time, that a work of art, in this sense, is worth more than a thousand words. That is why he decided to set up an exhibition with this objective in one of the most prestigious galleries in Paris. All the works have a common deNOminator, present in the title: the NO. NO is a monosyllable indispensable to indicate beneficial behaviors, from the Bible to the law, from education to training.
The sculpture exhibited at Pièce Unique clearly expresses the most important indication to be happy: to avoid bullshit (No Bullshit), you should not follow the suggestions (though reasonable) of the clichés, the media and the marketing that not only would not make you happy, but they would be even dangerous.
The other works, exhibited in the gallery Pièce Unique Variations, are variations on the theme of happiness, which show other characteristics common to happy people.
More than 80% of happy people, even if they have great adaptability and are therefore very flexible, also have a great "sense of possibility": they are never fatalistic and are always convinced that something can be done to change things (No Plastic).
Almost all the “happy people” do not use nor with themselves nor with the persons they care for the logic of efficiency, profit and competition, which can be advantageous in the world of work, but are absolutely counterproductive in other areas (No Work).
And they do not think, even if they live in total well-being, that they do not need others (No Wall).
Although living in the society of appearance, those who are happy are not willing to spend any extra euro to use the logic of the brand, to show themselves better than they really are (No Rolex).
While recognizing the value of material goods, almost all happy people are aware that time is the most precious good (Don’t Steal).
One thing that is common to all of them is that they are never in a hurry. Perhaps because of their ability to distinguish at any time what is important from what is urgent (No Rush).
They believe that dialogue is indispensable and irreplaceable to improve the quality of relational goods (No Word).
A dialogue which must however be sincere, clear, free of contradictions and impossible demands (Don’t touch, please).
A dialogue that allows to understand others, rather than judging them for their personal choices (No Gender).
Or for the behaviors and ways of being different from most people (No Global).
The happy persons have in common another aspect, recently identified: the lack of prejudices.
Not only on others, but also on themselves (No Fake).
Those who are happy are absolutely convinced that happiness does not depend on luck (No Chance).
Often, faced with an obstacle, they see the possibility of a change and are confident of being able to do even better (No Limits).
And for this reason, they tend not to give up to discover new possibilities (Don’t Give Up).
But the characteristic common to 100% of happy people is lightness. The ability not to take themselves seriously (No Art).