No Fake is a work against prejudices, which represent a serious limitation in the relationship to ourselves and others. Ciaravolo gave this name to 30 white t-shirts, with a seat belt designed on the chest: 15 for the driver and 15 for the passenger. He called them No Fake because they are not fake: it’s the remark of 100 T-shirts that he made exactly thirty years ago, in 1989.What was fake was the news: that these shirts were sold in Naples on every street corner to deceive the police. Tens of millions of people around the world have believed that. Even today, there are many who believe that the "security shirt" was really sold, to wear, even if it was denied on all means of communication. A fake news, considered true, impossible to deny because it confirmed a prejudice prevalent over the Neapolitans (and abroad, over the Italians), considered kind, brilliant, but misleading. As long as prejudices exist, there will be fake news that will confirm them: they will be considered true. Prejudice produces in us a very different idea of reality; Since our way of behaving stems from our ideas, we will end up with behaviors that would be impossible to change, even if they were to be disadvantageous for us and for others. This is what makes prejudice so dangerous for oneself and for others.